Rome (Italian and Latin: Roma ()) is the capital city and a special comune of Italy (named Comune di Roma Capitale), as well as the capital of the Lazio region.The city has been a major human settlement for almost three millennia. Roma Antică a fost un oraș-stat a cărui istorie se întinde în perioada de timp cuprinsă între 753 î.Hr. The Roma are an ethnic group found mainly in Europe.In English they are often called Gypsies.Some Roma consider "gypsy" a slur, some not. When the Roman Empire was new, Rome was called the Eternal City because it was already very old. With 2,860,009 residents in 1,285 km 2 (496.1 sq mi), it is also the country's most populated comune.It is the third most populous city in the European … Rome (Latin: Roma) is the capital city of Italy.It is also the capital and largest city in the region of Lazio, and the geographical region of Latium.It is on the Tiber River and has 2.8 million people. Aria metropolitană are o populație de circa 4 milioane de locuitori. It's based on the story of the real domestic worker who helped raise him in Mexico City in the '70s. Roma are o populație de 6.000.000 persoane. Roma este capitala Italiei.Situat pe malul fluviului Tibru, orașul are o istorie îndelungată fiind de-a lungul secolelor capitala Republicii Romane, a Imperiului Roman, a Bisericii Romano-Catolice și a Italiei moderne. Este capitala regiunii Lazio și a Provinciei Roma. Anksčiau jų buvo 20, tačiau Fiumičino balsavimo būdu nutarė būti savarankiška ir atsiskirti nuo Romos. Roma called Roy, ancient Egyptian High Priest of Amun. Miestas dar dalinamas į kitus administracinius vienetus. Netflix original film "Roma" just landed 10 Oscar nominations . Három történészprofesszor becslése alapján Róma városának népessége az időszámításunk utáni évektőlː. Roma është kryeqyteti i Italisë, kryeqyteti i rajonit Lacio dhe kryeqendra e Provincës së Romës.Me mbi 2.900.000 banorë në 1,285.3 km2 (496,3 sq mi), ajo është edhe qyteti më i madh dhe më i populluar i vendit. Sister Roma or Michael Williams (born 1962), American drag performer and director. En el transcurso de su historia, que abarca tres … Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. The semi-autobiographical movie is written and directed by Alfonso Cuarón ("Gravity"). Il grande incendio di Roma scoppiò nell'antica città di Roma nel 64 d.C., al tempo dell' imperatore romano Nerone. Sullo sfondo Nerone e le rovine della città in fiamme, da un dipinto di Karl Theodor von Piloty ( 1861 ca.) Év. Roma es una ciudad italiana de 2 815 951 habitantes, [2] capital de la región del Lacio y de Italia.Es el municipio más poblado de Italia y la tercera ciudad más poblada de la Unión Europea. și 476 d.Hr. Qyteti është i vendosur në pjesën qendrore-perëndimore të … Grande incendio di Roma. A császárkori Róma makettje. The Romani genocide or the Romani Holocaust—also known as the Porajmos (Romani pronunciation: IPA: [pʰoɽajˈmos], meaning "the Devouring"), the Pharrajimos ("Cutting up", "Fragmentation", "Destruction"), and the Samudaripen ("Mass killing")—was the effort by Nazi Germany and its World War II allies to commit ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide against Europe's Romani … Roma (footballer, born 1979), born Paulo Marcel Pereira Merabet, Brazilian football forward. [3] Por antonomasia, se la conoce desde la Antigüedad como la Urbe ().También es llamada "La Ciudad Eterna" (en italiano: Città Eterna). Italo Foschi was an important Roman representative of the ruling National Fascist Party.. An estimate by the OECD put the number of people of the city area of Rome at 3.47 million. The Roma are people that originally came from the Indian subcontinent at the 1st - 2st century AD, and settled in Egypt. Pe parcursul existenței sale de douăsprezece secole, civilizația romană a trecut de la monarhie la republică oligarhică și, apoi, la imperiu extins. Roma yra Italijos sostinė, o joje yra įsikūrusios visos pagrindinės politinės šalies institucijos – Vyriausybė, Prezidentūra, Ministerijos, Italijos konstitucinis teismas.. Nuo 2013 m. Roma yra dalinama į 13 rajonų. A DNA study by Indian and Estonian researchers shows that the Roma and Sinti people originate from different … A.S. Roma was founded in the spring of 1927 when Italo Foschi initiated the merger of three older Italian Football Championship clubs from the city of Rome: Roman FC, SS Alba-Audace and Fortitudo-Pro Roma SGS. The Roma people or Romani people, an ethnic group living mostly in Europe and the Americas. A mai kutatók alapján az ókori Róma városának népessége fejlődése csúcsán legalább 750 ezer fő volt, elérhette az 1 millió főt, vagy akár meg is haladhatta azt. The purpose of the merger was to give the Italian capital a strong club … Rappresentazione del grande incendio di Roma.

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